Canute in Brief

  • Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon.

African Blog Review

Jimbi Media Sites

  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Bakwerirama
    Spotlight on Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • France Watcher
    Purpose of this advocacy site: To aggregate all available information about French terror, exploitation and manipulation of Africa
  • George Ngwane: Public Intellectual
    George Ngwane is a prominent author, activist and intellectual.
  • Jacob Nguni
    Virtuoso guitarist, writer and humorist. Former lead guitarist of Rocafil, led by Prince Nico Mbarga.
  • Martin Jumbam
    The refreshingly, unique, incisive and generally hilarous writings about the foibles of African society and politics by former Cameroon Life Magazine columnist Martin Jumbam.
  • Nowa Omoigui
    Professor of Medicine and interventional cardiologist, Nowa Omoigui is also one of the foremost experts and scholars on the history of the Nigerian Military and the Nigerian Civil War. This site contains many of his writings and comments on military subjects and history.
  • Postwatch Magazine
    A UMI (United Media Incorporated) publication. Specializing in well researched investigative reports, it focuses on the Cameroonian scene, particular issues of interest to the former British Southern Cameroons.
  • Simon Mol
    Cameroonian poet, writer, journalist and Human Rights activist living in Warsaw, Poland
  • Victor Mbarika ICT Weblog
    Victor Wacham Agwe Mbarika is one of Africa's foremost experts on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Dr. Mbarika's research interests are in the areas of information infrastructure diffusion in developing countries and multimedia learning.
  • Tunduzi
    A West African in Arusha at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda on the angst, contradictions and rewards of that process.
  • Dr Godfrey Tangwa (Gobata)
    Renaissance man, philosophy professor, actor and newspaper columnist, Godfrey Tangwa aka Rotcod Gobata touches a wide array of subjects. Always entertaining and eminently readable. Visit for frequent updates.
  • Francis Nyamnjoh
    Prolific writer, social and political commentator, he was a professor at University of Buea and University of Botswana. Currently he is Head of Publications and Dissemination at CODESRIA in Dakar, Senegal. His writings are socially relevant and engaging even to the non specialist.
  • Ilongo Sphere: Writer and Poet
    Novelist and poet Ilongo Fritz Ngalle, long concealed his artist's wings behind the firm exterior of a University administrator and guidance counsellor. No longer. Enjoy his unique poems and glimpses of upcoming novels and short stories.
  • Scribbles from the Den
    The award-winning blog of Dibussi Tande, Cameroon's leading blogger.
  • Enanga's POV
    Rosemary Ekosso, a Cameroonian novelist and blogger who lives and works in Cambodia.
  • GEF's Outlook
    Blog of George Esunge Fominyen, former CRTV journalist and currently Coordinator of the Multi-Media Editorial Unit of the PANOS Institute West Africa (PIWA) in Dakar, Senegal.
  • The Chia Report
    The incisive commentary of Chicago-based former CRTV journalist Chia Innocent
  • Voice Of The Oppressed
    Stephen Neba-Fuh is a political and social critic, human rights activist and poet who lives in Norway.
  • Bate Besong
    Bate Besong, award-winning firebrand poet and playwright.
  • Up Station Mountain Club
    A no holds barred group blog for all things Cameroonian. "Man no run!"
  • Bakwerirama
    Spotlight on the Bakweri Society and Culture. The Bakweri are an indigenous African nation.
  • Fonlon-Nichols Award
    Website of the Literary Award established to honor the memory of BERNARD FONLON, the great Cameroonian teacher, writer, poet, and philosopher, who passionately defended human rights in an often oppressive political atmosphere.
  • Bernard Fonlon
    Dr Bernard Fonlon was an extraordinary figure who left a large footprint in Cameroonian intellectual, social and political life.
  • AFRICAphonie
    AFRICAphonie is a Pan African Association which operates on the premise that AFRICA can only be what AFRICANS and their friends want AFRICA to be.
  • Canute - Chronicles from the Heartland
    Professional translator, freelance writer and a regular contributor to THE POST newspaper. Lives in Douala, Cameroon
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


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How did such a happy looking kid become a terrorist?

Really wealthy kids because even schools in the neighborhood have a hard time organizing expeditions to the mountain.

Why so surprised! This kid is just a victim of fundamentalism, pathetic though.
When bloggers like Njimafor spend their time glamorizing violence, who knows how many youngsters become distracted by such scarecrows?

who said he was a terrorist, we have to be clear with some of these things because what pushes these guys to become terrorists is what formed them to be wht they are today. So if you give fire to a mad man in the market place then don't complain when your shop also takes fire

You just asked my very same question. I am still wondering how he became an "aberrant lad" or terrorist if that is what some prefer. He looks quite happy with his pals in this picture, attending a secondary school which any kid in the world would feel privileged to attend and then going to University College, London, which is one of the highest ranked universities in the world.

Privilege is not everything, I guess.

Oyez and Atchiri,terrorists are mostly people from the higher strung of society.Ben Laden is from a wealthy family,and his Deputy is a good Egyptian medical doctor.The father of this child can be accused of neglect.Sending such young children to live abroad for an extended time span is dangerous.First they become idle because they don't need to worry about money.Secondly,money takes them to high places where they can easily fall into the wrong hands.From Togo to England at that young age all alone is the worst thing that happened to that UFA.This type is fertile ground for al-Qaeda.The absence of the parents creates an emotional void and since al-Qaeda promises virgins in paradise,it is easy to exploit young minds.

Dr Abdullmutalab, the father of this boy worshipped Arabs the way some francophones used to worship or still worship the french. He even took an Arab name. I wonder how he spoke about non-moslems in his house. When he went to UCL, he was exposed to intellectual and highly radicalized Arabs from his socioeconomic class. Maybe he thought he was pleasing daddy by hanging out with these radicals. He only got the old man scared because he already had his 72 virgins and more to spare on earth.

The more important story is that there is no official record of him and his mates in Buea.

I am genuinely grateful to the owner of this web page who has shared this impressive paragraph at here.

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